Myth 1: Accessible ≠ Easier
Maria Colleen Cruz Maria Colleen Cruz

Myth 1: Accessible ≠ Easier

This is the first in a series of blogposts tackling common myths about access and disability in learning. While this series will delve into special education, it is designed for both general and special educators.

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Maria Colleen Cruz Maria Colleen Cruz


With so many things changing, and so much out of our control, it’s easy for educators to hold tighter to what we’ve always done. But sometimes pruning is needed for new growth.

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First Teachers
Maria Colleen Cruz Maria Colleen Cruz

First Teachers

When I teach writing or history or reading, I make stuff. Students make stuff too. Hands covered in ink, desks scattered with papers, books and blocks and knowledge. All of us together, elbow deep. Hearts connected. Hands over hands.

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